Useful Links

Aware offers support for people and their families that live with Depression.

Offering Therapists and Counsellors the first opportunity to be recognised for their self-awareness, capacity and capability.

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is the professional association for members of the counselling professional in the UK.

The Eating Disorder Association of Ireland. Bodywhys offers support to people nationwide who are experiencing an eating disorder and their families. They run face to face support groups, online support groups and email support.

The National Association for Professional Counselling and Psychotherapy represents and sets professional standards for counsellors and psychotherapists in Ireland.

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre has worked to prevent the harm and heal the trauma of sexual abuse. The work with men and women who have experienced sexual assault, rape or childhood sexual abuse. National 24-Hour Helpline 1800778888.

This is a help line and website run by the HSE to inform and support people around drugs and alcohol use.

Pieta House is a non-profit organisation that provides support for people experiencing suicidal thoughts, self harm and those who have been bereaved by suicidal. Freecall 24/7 suicide helpline 1800242247 or TEXT HELP 51444


Need support? We’re here to listen 24 hours, 365 days a year. CALL US FREE DAY OR NIGHT ON 116123.

Women’s Aid is the leading national organisation that has been working in Ireland to stop domestic violence against women and children. They work to make women and children safe from domestic violence, offer support, provide hope to women affected by abuse and work justice and social change. National Freephone Helpline: 1800341900 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or